It's Gooch!!!!
I found him! He's here! Get lost creeps! Gooch is back! And he is watching you!
**For those who are confused by this post, check this site out. Sometime we mules need a break from being so smart. And gooch is our mascot.
Are all Mules this smart? No. Our intelligence came to us after years of practice. And practice that brought us small reward. But you see, we were too stubborn to stop! And look where it's gotten us, now we’ve got ourselves a blog, and our name is practically in lights.
I found him! He's here! Get lost creeps! Gooch is back! And he is watching you!
First off, thank you, Ben, for pointing out the irrationality in my "Must be said" post.
Wow! A four-page post to respond to! I hope I can be a little bit more concise, but I probably won’t be able to fit as much good analysis in even if I write eight pages. We’ll see what happens.
Well, I'm not really excited that Hamas won the Palestinian elections. A few things I want to note:
"Whether Hamas is democratically elected or not, Mr. Bush said, the U.S. won't deal with the group." -Wall street journal, today.
First off, I want to say that I think it's really cool that we can agree to work for our posts to be at
So, someone has been stealing my ideas without my knowledge. And, as you might assume, he totally destroys it. I hate it when people turn my genius idealistic musings into a hellish shadow of what they once were. Well, once I became aware of the rebel idea - which took a while since it was published in the San Francisco Chronicle (not very high up on my list of newspapers to read) - I immediately began to work out how to return my plan to its original state of glory.
I totally agree with you, Ben--it's the ideas that are important. We have good ideas and should make them clear and accessible to all. I'm really impressed by your new tax proposition, it sounds like it might have a really good effect on everybody (aside from the initial sudden drop in spending).
Wouldn't making rules for a blog be against the spirit of blogging? I mean, we're not exactly respected members of the mass-media that need to protect the reputations of their respective organizations.
1. Ben, I am glad that we can agree on what a logical fallacy is.
Well, Italy is very interesting. It seems that they are more lawsuit happy than Americans. In fact, there is one 70-year-old man who is suing a Priest, basically for lying and profiting from it, because he asserted that there was a man named Jesus from Nazareth. The news story (CNN) is here.
Well Chad, I just got an A in Logic and Argumentation, and we talked a lot about logical fallacies. You've hit on a very important one, but I think, you are also guilty of a more serious violation. Missing the Point...also called, attacking a Straw Man. If you look closely at my post, the polygamy part wasn't really what I was talking about. Also, while it may be true that only one congressman brought this up in Congress, there are at least several other people talking about it. One hotspot for such debate is Utah, where at least a couple of towns (controlled by a very extremist wing of the Mormon Church, one that is so extremist, it is in fact not being spoken to by the larger version) are actively trying to legalize polygamous marriages...while not allowing homosexual marriages. And, there are several groups in Canada also trying to expand their marriage laws to allow for polyamorous relationships.
Let's talk about reductio ad absurdum (common usage):
I admit I haven't read the book, but I already think that this tax is better than the one we currently have in place.
Check out this post from NRO. It brings up the subject of Polyandry (and it links to a post from the blogfaddah, but it's not as thoughtful, so therefore, not as relevant, but you should follow the link anyway.)
I have my first class in fifteen minutes. So here's a quick post. The Progressive movement in America is essentially the same as the Religious Right movement in America. They are both moralistic movements that want to control the government and make everyone else in the country live by their rules. Neither group is better than the other, because the rules they want everyone to follow excludes just as many people as the other group does. So they are both as good as the other.
Posting from my 2-room apt in DC! Whoo! : ) Lobbying is fun so far.