Monday, January 09, 2006


I have my first class in fifteen minutes. So here's a quick post. The Progressive movement in America is essentially the same as the Religious Right movement in America. They are both moralistic movements that want to control the government and make everyone else in the country live by their rules. Neither group is better than the other, because the rules they want everyone to follow excludes just as many people as the other group does. So they are both as good as the other.
I can provide examples for how similar they are, when I get back to the internet. But if you're smart, you already know what they are, because you already agree with me.


At 7:45 AM, Blogger ben said...

You're partly right...except you've missed a vital point. Both of the groups are trying to create legislation based on their views of morality. They both want to impose their views of 'what's right' on everyone else. That is where they are the same...I didn't mean to say that their policy goals were the same, but rather that they were thinking along the same lines. "This is what's right, so lets get the government to pass a law about it."

Also, I would nit-pick about how you stated the goals of each. A member of the Religious Right would not say that they want to force religious materials onto government property, nor force Prayers into school...they would say that they want to allow them to exist, instead of being prohibited. I can relate to this...when I went to Public Middle School, I served several detentions for praying before I ate...and also, once this became a big deal, for praying, with a group of people who wanted to be included, outside at recess. We weren't in the middle of anything...our prayer didn't stop anyone from doing anything...but the fact that we were praying on public property was a problem for some teachers, so i served detention.
The religious right would also say that they want to impose laws that restrict amoral (in their view, criminal) behaviour...such as being homosexual/killing unborn babies.
A member of the Religious Right would say that the progressives (Maybe think of, and the League of Progressive Voters as examples of this wing of American Politics) want to force homosexual behavior onto government property, and indeed, into private business...
A member of the Religious right would also say that Progressives want to limit the sanctity of marraige, and limit the rights of the unborn...
so it all depends on how you look at it.
For the record, I don't support either side. I want the government to impose less restrictions on behaviour, not more. I just see both of these extremes as bad...


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