Thursday, February 16, 2006

Intellectual Debate Round-Up

In a time honored tradition of busy bloggers...I'm going to post a lot of links to other peoples' thoughts because I have no time to come up with my own...

That said, these are good posts, so you should read them...They follow up on a topic that we were discussing a day or two ago.

First, is a post by Althouse...the person who really started the discussion...and by the way, aren't you glad I sent you to instead of, when I started that topic?

Here is the Althouse post.

Next comes some musing from the Daily Kos...a leftist-type blog that I read, sometimes to get some laughs, but mostly to update myself on the other side. This guy is talking about how we asign lables to people. For the record, I like Andrew Sullivan, and I think he's a conservative, even though he's one of the biggest recent critics of the President's actions in the Iraq war...he supported it before he was against it, but that's not important.

And, to follow that up, with an opinion I agree with (I don't mean to say I disagree with the daily kos guy in this case, just most of the time) is Frank J. Since when did he start being serious? You should also check out the two previous posts, just for laughs. Especially the Editorial. Those liberals who read this blog might want to look at's a conservative humor website, but it might be good for you, because a lot of the humor is also making fun of current's also been said that his In My World Posts are "great rumsfeld bashing."

So, thats a round-up...cause I didn't have time to finish the posts that I was working on. I will have some new stuff later...once my teachers stop stealing all my time.

Update: Here's a post from a moderate on the whole Althouse inspired thing.

P.P.S. I’ve just defended the Bush Administration from a Democratic attack, and pushed for spending discipline. Why won’t the right reach out and engage a moderate like me? What I’ve noticed, over and over, is that the bloggers on the left link to you when they agree and ignore the disagreements, and the bloggers on the right link only for the things they disagree with, to denounce you with short posts saying you’re evil/stupid/crazy, and don’t even seem to notice all the times you’ve written posts that take their side. Why is this happening? I find it terribly, terribly sad, and in no way transparently self-serving.

WHAT’S MORE: The point of that last paragraph isn’t necessarily obvious if you don’t already live inside my head, which relatively few people do.

To be more straightforward, I’m not at all irritated with any lack of approving links from right-of-center bloggers. I think that’s just the way of the world. Rather, I’m poking fun at Professor Althouse and the alleluia chorus surrounding the post that I’ve linked to in the last sentence. It seems to me that Althouse is starting with the assumption that, since she is at the center of political discourse, any asymmetrical treatment that she recieves from the right and left blogosphere must be due to the personality and intellectual flaws of liberals.

He then later says:

This is not to minimize the pleasure of the links from right-of-center blogs, which I do greatly appreciate.

Sorry man, I'll link you, but this is a non-partisan site. I'm going to my other blog now, and then you'll get a right-of-center link from there.

Update II: Am I beating a dead horse? Maybe, but I find this interesting, and since no one has commented to tell me to stop or tell me what to post about, I'm gonna update again.

Here is Jane Galt talking about this issue...she's always got an interesting take on every issue...I recommend that you read her about abortion, by the way, but that's a debate for another day.


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