About Intellectual Debate
I really like to read Vodkapundit...especially when he's complaining about something...but this is a very rational piece about discussion on the Blogosphere. It definately works for this blog as well...and he makes some good points.
Two quotes which are especially good:
While my political opinions might not be in the mainstream, I'm convinced that maintaining the genius of James Madison's system is far more important than any of my individual views, or yours. I'd rather lose a debate or a vote or a Supreme Court decision or even an election, than lose the system that makes all those things possible. So long as the system remains, I can always fight another day.
The right seems to love a good debate, and the left seems to love pissing on them for it. I'm speaking in broad terms here, obviously, but in my experience the point remains.
So, what do you think? I mean, you can't respond until you read the whole post...85% of quoting something is to pick the most outrageous, offensive two sentances, which may or may not have anything to do with the rest of the piece...but I agree with the main thrust of the argument, and I'd love to hear some counter examples. I don't think you'll find them, and I've been watching the blogosphere discussion for a long while now, so I've got some experience.
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